RD Jukes Ltd

Supply, installation and commissioning TLN LV sub main MCCB switch panel complete with incoming isolators/metering cabinets, outgoing MCCB ways and auto changeover, which feed 2 new 60Kva UPS systems supporting BMEC Theatres with 60 minute autonomy. Installation of associated LV sub mains cabling between the existing essential services main LV switches panels and the new UPS units.

General lighting, power, emergency lighting, fire alarm, communications, associated builders work, and DX cooling units.

Close liaison with client to organise numerous electrical supply isolations and modifications, while minimising disruptions to the buildings occupants.

Provision of UPS (uninterruptible power supply) located in stand alone GRP building, with new switchgear, sub mains cabling to final distribution boards, serving eye operating theatres.

  • Design, supply & Installation of new 7M x 7M bespoke built GRP switch-room and RAL coloured to the client’s requirements to house the new UPS equipment due to no space being available within the building
  • All builders works and civils works associated with installation of the GRP Switch-room
  • Installation of dual 60KVA synchronised UPS systems and associated isolation transformer, DC batteries and UPS output panel complete “raw mains” LV wrap around and local UPS status alarms within the theatre areas
  • Submains cabling and containment systems associated with the UPS installation
  • Load banking of UPS systems prior to introducing the site load
  • Installation of UPS supported LV switchboard complete with Socomec auto changeover system and new 1 hour fire rated switch-cupboard to house the unit
  • Lighting and emergency lighting systems
  • Utility power systems
  • Fire detection and alarm system
  • Cat 6 structured voice / data systems
  • Building management system and air conditioning installations to the GRP switch-room
  • Replacement of distribution boards within eye theatres & cataract theatre now completely supported via new UPS systems
  • Fire-stopping of service penetrations
  • Testing, commission, labelling, certification and provision of operations and maintenance manuals

 © 2025 RD Jukes & Co. Ltd, Registered in England and Wales Co. No. 1159706
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